External Links & Resources

The resources listed here are ones which may be helpful if you’re seeking information on external / additional supports, how to navigate various systems / processes, and other such things. It’s what you might call a “resource library” :)

Please note: I did not create any of the websites / resources / guides listed on this page, am not affiliated with them, do not receive any benefit (financially or otherwise) from them, and do not maintain, manage, or take responsibility / liability for them in any way. They are completely external to my own work. Each resource also differs in terms of how affirmingly it is written; unfortunately, this means that some contain language that is pathologising, deficits-based, non-affirming, and / or non-inclusive. As such, I (and my tiny dog, who is pawing at me while as I write this) encourage you to be gentle on yourself if reading / engaging with these resources.


Work, Employment, & Accessibility

Community Care & Mutual Aid

  • Meals for LGBTQIA+ folk in Naarm / Melbourne

  • COVID precaution items & mask blocs in Naarm / Melbourne

    Note: These groups offer things like masks, nasal spray, throat gargle, RATs, menstrual products, and other items at no cost or on a sliding scale. They are community-funded / self-funded, and thus rely on donations. If you are in a position of financial privilege whereby you can finance such items for yourself and have some cash to spare, you might consider donating to the mask blocs so that they can keep on running & supporting others.

COVID, Flu, STI, and Other Medical Testing, via “SISTR”

  • SISTR provides access to low-cost consults, testing, referrals, and prescriptions, including PCRs for COVID & Flu, STI tests, and other services.

  • Their services open to and welcoming of any/all genders, though (as a heads up) they initially started out focussed on “women’s health”, and parts of their website still contain gendered language.

  • Bookings are made online via this link, initial consults are held digitally, and they operate across all of so-called Australia.

  • SISTR’s website is www.sistr.com.au/consult-now and Instagram is @heysistr

  • Note: You do not have to have a Medicare card holder to access SISTR’s services. However, fees are higher for non-Medicare card holders than for Medicare card holders.